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Dressage Stallion

First Date

First Date is a long-legged stallion with a striking type and superb character. Together with his interesting pedigree we are convinced that he can contribute to the modern dressagehorse-breeding. First Date is approved by the KWPN and the Oldenburg Society. In 2019 First Date passed the KWPN-performancetest with 83,5 points.

Colour: Dark brown

Height: 1.72m

Born: 2016

Studbook: Oldenburger, KWPN

Stud fee: € 1.250,- excl. VAT

Performance test

First Date is a honest, reliable and sympathic stallion with a very good mentality. He has a very good work-ethic and superb rideability. His walk is clear, active and with good reach. His trot is light-footed, of good reach and supple. His canter has good length and good technique. First Date moves with great self-carriage, well balanced and very elastic. He is very talented as dressage horse en he gives his rider a great feeling.


Walk (2x)                               9,00

Trot (2x)                                 8,00

Canter (2x)                            8,00

Elasticity                                8,00

Self-carriage & Balance      8,50

Rideability and work-ethic 8,50

Talent as dressagehorse     8,00

Total                                       83,00

Great marks at performance test Adelheidsdorf

In spring 2019 First Date passed the 14-days performance test in Adelheidsdorf (Germany) with great marks:

8,75     Interior 

9,00     Character/Temperament 

8,50     work-ethic

8,00     Trot 

8,50     Canter

8,00     Walk

8,50     Rideability judges

8,25     Rideability testrider


In 2020 21 of his 23 registered offspring were judged by liniar scoring for the progeny-report. The KWPN wrote following: 

The foals of First Date are more than sufficient till very well developed and have rectangular types. The shoulder is usually of good angle. The back is well conformed, sometimes a little weak. The loins are well conformed and well connected. The forelegs are correct, sometimes wit hupright pastern, the stance of the hindleg varies. The legs are lean and sometimes refined. The walk of the foals is of good length. The trot has more than sufficient length and elasticity. The canter is of good length. 


First Date is a modern son of the German proven sire Fürstenball, who belongs to the top of German dressage-breeding. He was champion of the stallionshow when he got approved, champion of the performance-test and champion as young horse under saddle 

Damsire Dancier (s.De Niro) competed at Prix St George level and produced for example the champion of the Westphalian stallionshow. Dancier is also damsire of the famous Vivino (Vivaldi x Dancier), who was acquired by Helgstrand and Schockemöhle. In the damline of First Date we find the influential sires Sandro Hit, Feiner Stern and Pik Bube I. Fist Date’s dam Rheingold TS is the full-sibling of the ZZ-Licht qualified mare Danciera 2. This damline producec many successful sporthorses and especially the sire Dream of Glory gave this family name. Other approved stallions form this originally Holstein damline (stam 173) are Dream Dancer, Dovisiozo, Nintendo en V-Power. 

Breeder: Thaden, Butjadingen (Ger)
Owners: Stal Brinkman, Jacques Maree and Tim Coomans

Make a request

Contact us if you have any questions or want to place an order

Koen Brinkman

T: 06-30263274 / E:

Order form

Fill in the order form

Willie Brinkman

T: 06-55854110 / E: